Advantages and disadvantages of cohort and case control studies

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Many text books have described advantages and disadvantages of cohort and case control studies. The following table summarises useful comments.

Cohort studies
Case control studies
Suited for rare diseases No Yes since starting with a set of cases
Suited for rare exposures Yes since starting with exposure status No
Allows for studying several exposures Difficult but examples exists
(Framingham study)
Allows for studying several outcomes Yes No
Disease status easy to ascertain Sometimes difficult Easier since starting point of the study

Exposure status easier to ascertain
Yes since starting point of the study. Sometimes difficult.
Except for retrospective cohorts Information biases.
Allows computation of risk and rates Yes No
Allows computation of effect Computation of risk ratio and rate ratio Estimation of risk ratio, rate ratio from odds ratio

Allows studying natural history of disease
Yes More difficult
Easier to show that cause precedes effect. Temporality between cause and effect difficult to establish
Based on existing data sources Difficult Yes but access to information sometimes difficult
Easiness to find a reference group Usually not difficult to identify an unexposed population No
Major potential biases when selecting a control group
Sample size Large Small
Cost Elevated except if retrospective cohorts Smaller
Time required Long, sometimes very long except if retrospective cohorts Shorter
Follow up Difficult, loss to follow up No follow up


Many staff, large data sets
Long duration
Concept Easy to understand Difficult to understand particularly if case cohort or density case control study
Ethical issues Major if studying risk factors. None since outcome already happened.
Interruption of study if exposure shown to be harmful.
Need for intermediate analysis.


Masja Straetemans
Original Authors
Alain Moren
Jean Claude Desenclos
Marta Valenciano
Arnold Bosman
Arnold Bosman
Masja Straetemans
