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Background & Aims

Trainers and facilitators of the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET) initially developed a set of lecture notes and articles on epidemiologic methods supporting the EPIET introductory courses. The philosophy of sharing and building knowledge (in particular training materials) led to the creation of a collaborative information space for the epidemiological training community - The FEM Wiki.

Over the years, articles on other key disciplines for disease prevention & control, such as public health microbiology, informatics and public health law, have been added. The FEM Wiki aims to create a library of educational materials for training programmes for all disciplines in disease prevention & control.

FEM Wiki is an open information-sharing platform for public health experts hosted and funded by ECDC. The content of FEM Wiki is provided by platform users and does not necessarily represent the opinion of Transmissible. By contributing content to FEMWIKI, users agree to the conditions described under Creative Commons and FEM Wiki users’ code of conduct.

What FEM Wiki is:

  • A tool for supporting training in field epidemiology and related disciplines;
  • Peer reviewed collection of training material
  • An advocate of evidence based arguments and multiple points of view
  • Host the discussion fora focused on field epidemiology training and practice
  • New development in epidemiological methods

What FEM Wiki is not:

  • an encyclopaedia;
  • an indiscriminate collection of information;
  • a publisher of original thoughts though it may happen;
  • a newspaper;
  • a private blog, nor a soapbox;
  • a web host;
  • a survey instrument;
  • a bureaucracy.
