Category:Health communication

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The health communication knowledge is based on several complementary concepts: ​ ​

Health literacy

Health literacy can be defined as the capacity that an individual has to access and effectively use health-related information. ​ ​

Health education

Health education aims to influence a person’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours connected to health in a positive way. ​ ​

Social marketing

Using social marketing tools to conduct public health improvement programs can help to clarify goals and improve success. ​ ​

Risk communication

Risk communication is a sustained communication process with a diverse audience about the likely outcomes of health and behavioural attitudes. ​ ​

Crisis communication

While risk communication is ongoing, crisis communication is a reactive communication effort in the face of an unforeseen event. ​ ​

Health advocacy

Advocacy is one strategy to raise awareness and promote health and access to quality health care at the individual and community levels. ​ ​

Outbreak communication

An effective outbreak communication can help to bring an outbreak under control as quickly as possible, with as little social disruption as possible

Pages in category "Health communication"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.