Measuring incidence rates

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Cohort studies measuring incidence rates

The computation of effects with incidence rates is similar to calculation of effects from incidence proportions (risk). The incidence rate of disease in exposed (IRe) and unexposed (IRu) can be computed as follows:

0676.Page3 formula3a IRe.gif-550x0.png

1830.Page3 formula3a IRu.gif-550x0.png

A rate difference can be computed:

The relative effect of the exposure on disease occurrence can be measured by computing the rate ratio minus 1.

3757.Page3 formula4 relative effect.gif-550x0.png

The rate ratio is:

5008.Page3 formula5 rate ratio.gif-550x0.png


Breast cancer cases and person-years of observation for women with tuberculosis repeatedly exposed to multiple x-ray fluoroscopies and unexposed women with tuberculosis

Radiation exposure Person-years Breast cancer Rate/10000 p-y Rate ratio Rate difference Relative effect
Yes 28010 14 14.6 1.86 6.7 0.86
NO 19017 15 7.9

Source: Boice & Monson [1]

One can express the result by saying that the relative effect is 0.86 which would suggest an 86 % increased rate of breast cancer among exposed. One can also express the results by saying that the rate of breast cancer is 1.86 times higher in the exposed cohort than in the unexposed cohort.


1. Boice, J. D., and R. R. Monson. Breast cancer in women after repeated fluoroscopic examinations of the chest. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1977 59: 823–832.


Masja Straetemans
Original Authors
Alain Moren
Jean Claude Desenclos
Marta Valenciano
Arnold Bosman
Lisa Lazareck
Masja Straetemans
