Cooperative learning as active learning in adult

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1. Cooperative learning as active learning in adults.

Many strategies have been developed in recent years to promote active learning in adults. Cooperative learning is one of the learning methods that have social and academic benefits. Cooperative learning groups set the stage for students and professionals to learn social skills. Leadership, decision-making and communication. It is a method in which learners work in a small heterogeneous group and takes advantage of each other’s expertise to achieve a common goal and promote higher self-esteem, which is an important attribute for better performance and interpersonal success. The cooperative group allows people to bring their own experience to the learning process and increase active learning by contributing to each other [1]. It encourages creativity, stimulates discussion, and it improves competencies and performance. Cooperative goals lead to opportunities to enhance communication skills and, more importantly, to problem-solving [2].

The goals of cooperative learning are recognized as the improvement of interpersonal skills, knowledge, and higher-level thinking ability [3], [4]. Through interaction, learners improve their ability to interrogate issues, share ideas, clarify differences, and construct new events comprehension [5][5]. A group must have clear goals and positive interdependence of materials and rules to be cooperative. Every member must promote his skills and success thanks to the others. They must work together face to face, and use the interpersonal skills needed to be successful in the appropriate way. These essential components must be present in a cooperative group to be truly cooperative [1].

This method promotes the competencies required to prepare graduates to the labour market. In particular, it is a useful way to develop skills as teamwork, interpersonal communication between nurses and patients and leadership. It is also a good strategy to change some behaviours, a productive model in “long life learning”, to improve critical thinking and help in the training of adults in a care setting on security and prevention of biological risks.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Johnson DW, Johnson RT, Smith KA. Cooperative Learning: Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity [Internet]. Washington DC: The George Washington University; 1991. Available from: [accessed 5th April 2016].
  2. Earl GL. Using cooperative learning for a drug information assignment. Am J Pharm Educ. 2009 Nov 12;73(7):132.

  3. van der Laan Smith J, Spindle RM. The impact of group formation in a cooperative learning environment. J. of Acc. Ed. 25 (2007) 153-167.
  4. Dahley AM. Cooperative Learning Classroom Research [Internet]. Available from [accessed 5th April 2016]
  5. Gillies R, Boyle M. Teachers' reflections on cooperative learning: implementation issues. Teaching and Teacher Education. May 2010;6(4):933-940.

Original contribution form:

  • Cristina Arrigoni and Daniela Miazza, Experimental and Forensic Medicine Department – University of Pavia – Italy.
  • Anna Maria Grugnetti, Experimental and Forensic Medicine Department – University of Pavia and San Matteo Hospital of Pavia – Italy.
  • Rosario Caruso, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Milano – Italy.
  • Francesco Auxilia, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan.


  • Carrigoni
  • Vladimir Prikazsky
